“Financial literacy is indispensable for economic transformation”

“Financial literacy is indispensable for economic transformation”

Banking News

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In this episode of Banking Bahas, we have talked with our guest Mr. Anil Keshary Shah former banker and former CEO of Nabil Bank Ltd. @nabilbank9436 about how financial literacy and financial inclusion can be promoted throughout the country. Mr. Shah has talked about the importance of financial literacy for the transformation of the economic situation of the Nepalese people.

Guest: Anil Keshary Shah Chairperson, Lead Nepal Inc.

About Guest

Mr. Anil Keshary Shah is a well-known banker and a public speaker with an experience of over 32 years in the Banking Industry. He was the former CEO of Nabil Bank Mr. Shah started his banking career in 1991. When he first set foot in the banking sector, he joined Nepal Grindlays Bank which is now known as Standard Chartered Bank.

He started in an assisting position, he would later become the Head of the consumer bank and Chief Operating Officer of the bank. Anil Keshary Shah has become a force to be reckoned with. A firm believer in hard work, self-actualization, and ambition, Anil Keshary Shah talks about working his way up despite the naysayers in his life, self-realization, his success mantras, values, and the way forward.